jeudi 30 juin 2016

How do I make scaled images look better in Java/OpenGL?

Here are two pictures of the same image:

this is what it looks like when viewed in preview...

and this is how it looks in my game...

enter image description here

Obviously the character is scaled down in my game, however, when I scale down the sprite in preview or pixelmator, it is still smooth. Even when the image is at a 1:1 scale it still has the jagged edges.

This is my render method

public void render(Camera camera, List<Entity> entities) {

    //per textured model
    GL30.glBindVertexArray(((RenderComponent) entities.get(0).getComponent(EntityComponentType.RENDER)).texturedModel.getRawModel().getVaoID());

    for(Entity e : entities) {
        RenderComponent render = (RenderComponent) e.getComponent(EntityComponentType.RENDER);

        //load transformation matrix per entity
        shader.loadTransformationMatrix(Main.createTransformationMatrix(render.position, render.rx, render.ry, render.getScaleX(), render.getScaleY()));
        shader.loadSprite((AnimationComponentContainer) e.getComponent(EntityComponentType.ANIMATION));

        //activate texture for each entity
        GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, render.getTexturedModel().getTexture().getTextureID());

        //render entity
        GL11.glDrawElements(GL11.GL_TRIANGLES, render.getTexturedModel().getRawModel().getVertexCount(), GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

    //per textured model

And in my fragment shader I sample the image

vec4 color = texture(sampler, pass_TextureCoords);

and remove transparency

if(color.a < 0.5) discard;
out_Color = vec4(totalDiffuse, 1) * color;

My question is, how do I prevent the jagged edges from occurring (they are most prominent around his pants)? Or how do I smooth them out? The image itself if 512x1024

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